There is nothing more powerful than someone on a mission. And the septuagenarian cofounder of the eco-friendly beauty brand Burt’s Bees, Burt Shavitz, is one such person. He started the company in 1984 with a handmade beeswax lip balm that he sold at craft fairs, and the rest is history!
Burt is tireless in his campaign to forward a company that maintains environmental sustainability and is relentless in calling attention to “Colony Collapse Disorder,” otherwise known as CCD, the drastic ongoing decline in honeybee populations.
Or as defined at
a pathological condition affecting a large number of honeybee colonies, in which various stresses may lead to the abrupt disappearance of worker bees from the hive, leaving only the queen and newly hatched bees behind and thus causing the colony to stop functioning. Abbreviation: CCD
Otherwise known as HBDS; Honeybee depopulation syndrome.
In Burt Talks to the Bees, Burt has created, along with the dazzling and self-effacing Isabella Rossellini, educational videos to help us understand bees and their place in the world.
Rossellini as both Burt Shavitz and the Queen Bee
I am currently in love with everything Burt's Bees is doing. Recently they have come out with a line of Intense Hydration products. I don’t know about you, but on the heels of winter, I am in need of some super intense hydration. Maybe it is the honey or maybe it is the royal jelly, but Burt's is doing me right these days. My skin had been feeling so dry and dehydrated and now it feels so plump and moist. Thanks Burt!
I have also been a longtime fan of their tinted lip balms. These balms are not really a lipstick, and not really a chapstick, but some kind of magical moisure, hint of color, somethin' somethin' in between. Who could ask for anything more!? Truly the best of both worlds.

And check out Burt's happy animated video on how his lip balms are made.
I also love Burt's sweet Baby Bee line of natually scented baby products, designed for baby's sensitive skin. What great gifts for a new mommy or baby. From you or the Easter Bunny.
I found great deals on these products at the sites in my links! Happy shopping and stay hydrated!!